Friday, August 26, 2011

The Hunger Descends....

I am in approximately the 22nd week of pregnancy, and I really haven't had a whole lot to complain about so far.  I have felt pretty well, I've been exercising, and remarkably I have been eating pretty well.  Until this week.  It, (The Hunger), descended on me like humidity after a week of hard rain.  I was fine and then I discovered sweets...desserts, chocolate, lemon bars, chocolate covered peanuts...any and everything that has sugar in it.  It's not limited to baked goods, it could be fruit or veges or a lime aide...I don't care what it is, as long as I can get it into my mouth fast.  I made a batch of lemon bars last night, in the blistering heat, and this morning when I woke up I realized that I had eaten half the pan.....WHAT???  Did I black out and just shovel them in at Nascar speed or was I sleep eating?  Here's the worst part of all.....I ate them for breakfast.  They are just so lemony and gooey and lemony..I love them.  My world it lemon bar covered and if Willy Wanka walked in the door right now, I would do a little dance. Plus, he would probably bring me more sugar....and Umpaloompa's.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My very first comment has been posted...thank you Amber! Ok, she is totally my best friend, but here's hoping someday other people will join in and post away.  I was perusing the interenet today (I could totally while away and afternoon doing this) and I came across a new blog I am totally excited about.  Actually, I don't think it's really new, just new to me.  Bitches Get Stitches.  Steven is really funny and he's like me, we just blog to blog.  Both knitters, not really designers, just knitting and talking about it.

 Of course, anyone who knows me at all knows that I am a total Yarn Harlot fanatic!! I do mean that in the best sense of the word.  I just love her and she is so funny and...nobody on this planet could out knit her!  I am totally convinced of that.  I am still super bummed out that I couldn't go to sock summit, even though I don't knit a lot of socks.  Really I was just going for a Harlot sighting and of course, the flash mob!  I totally could have rocked that dance! 

So, I don't sell anything..yet and I don't design a whole lot.  At least, I design when I need to or when I want something to be a certain way.  I never seem to write it down or do it the same way twice.  I am working on that.  I did try for my lys, and Betty was very sweet about my attempt.  But, I did see my totally awesome mitton under a not so important looking pile of stuff in the bathroom so I am not holding out hope that she will want me to publish my pattern for sale any time soon.  How do you do that anyway?  Do I have to have a copywrite?  What if I don't want to put it on Etsy? 

So for now I knit and blog.  And read other people's blogs.  And look at really great designs and patterns for sale on other people's blogs. 

P.S.  I did design wedding gowns for 12 years, and shockingly, those crazy brides kind of drove me to the brink of insanity....maybe why I am not putting myself out there just yet.  But, you never know....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I love/hate lace!

I have a love/hate relationship with lace.  Don't get me wrong, it is beautiful to look at, but sometimes I wonder if, occasionally, when a designer is charting a lace pattern if they don't maybe, take a snooze in the middle of it and their hand jolts suddenly, drastically or not so drastically changing the chart just to make us all go a little crazy??!!  I really think that is what happens, I mean it can't be me right??...How could I do the same row over, and over, and OVER (insert expletive), and it STILL ISN'T RIGHT???   So, after a wonderful learning experience, I ended up with this beauty for my friend Katherine. Eleanor Cowl with the glorious yarn Sublime angora/merino.

So, even though it was all worth while, I still think that lace charters have the hardest job in the world.  This coming from a lady that has had such a bad day of work that the only thing that would console me was a hot fudge sunday.  It was THE BEST hot fudge sunday I've had in a long time!  Like the button on my knitting bag says, "knitting is cheaper than therapy" except when you are knitting lace.  Then only chocolate, ice cream, wine  and/or an antidepressant will do.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

When I slipped and fell...

When I had my fall the other day, I was miraculously uninjured...I know you are very glad to hear that!  The byproduct of my little spill was a gorgeous ice blue merino/angora cowl for a dear friend of mine.  A little sample...

No that is not my work computer!!  I have no idea what you are talking about!!!??!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where does the cuteness end?

When you think of all things baby, there is an underlying cuteness that could melt even the coldest of hearts.  I have been working on clothing for my baby, who will be here in December, and I have been having a splended time!  There have been some mishaps...(if I ever get this green blanket done I may acutally jump for joy, and believe me, that is getting harder every day!)  Really, what was I thinking of when I decided to put a feather and fan border around this honkin blanket anyway?  They don't make circular needles that big....hopefully, my wonderful yarn lady extrodinaire will come to my rescue...thank you Betty at Gove City Yarn (link further down).  Here are a few finished products.....

Louisa Harding's Harvey Kimono from her book, Natural Knits for Babies and Moms.  I used Panda Cotton from Crystal Palace in Denim and I have a ton of really cool vintage buttons from my travels and garage sales.  Strangely, I don't have very many red buttons, so these are mismatched....I think it adds to the overall cuteness factor!  This is the only newborn sweater I am allowing myself, as they are really easy to succumb to but not so easy to make your baby stop growing! 

This is Beanie hat, same designer and book....I know what you're, I am not totally obsessed w/ Louisa, but she is a perfect gem and I did manage to spend a week in the south of France with her, not that I'm name dropping or anything!!! Ok, I'm name dropping, but I can prove it but I'm going to make you wait.  I am also going to make you wait on the cutest mittons ever, only because I have to retake the picture....And I also have to make you wait because just like one minute ago I acidentally slipped and fell, and when I got back up it turns out I had started a new project....they just sneek up on you have to be vewy, vewy careful....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Backyard Bash

Last weekend was our backyard bash her in Dighton, America.  Kyle and I put our car in the show and drooled over all the awesomely cool cars....last year we got stuck beside this amazing little red convertable.  This year we got stuck by......

The coolest Cadilac I've ever seen!  It's really amazing all of the work that goes into some of these cars, but it makes our humble, all original Chevelle seem like a CZ in a swarm of diamonds.  Here is our super awesome Chevelle....

Not bad for an eight year rebuild!!  It rains every year on bash weekend, and this year was no exception! It's never enough to amount to much, just enough to shut down the music for a few hours.  Fun was had by all, including a very young spectator, Mary Margaret, who is always casually elegant.