Friday, August 26, 2011

The Hunger Descends....

I am in approximately the 22nd week of pregnancy, and I really haven't had a whole lot to complain about so far.  I have felt pretty well, I've been exercising, and remarkably I have been eating pretty well.  Until this week.  It, (The Hunger), descended on me like humidity after a week of hard rain.  I was fine and then I discovered sweets...desserts, chocolate, lemon bars, chocolate covered peanuts...any and everything that has sugar in it.  It's not limited to baked goods, it could be fruit or veges or a lime aide...I don't care what it is, as long as I can get it into my mouth fast.  I made a batch of lemon bars last night, in the blistering heat, and this morning when I woke up I realized that I had eaten half the pan.....WHAT???  Did I black out and just shovel them in at Nascar speed or was I sleep eating?  Here's the worst part of all.....I ate them for breakfast.  They are just so lemony and gooey and lemony..I love them.  My world it lemon bar covered and if Willy Wanka walked in the door right now, I would do a little dance. Plus, he would probably bring me more sugar....and Umpaloompa's.

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