first baby surprise jacket!!
Surprisingly easy to knit, (pun intended!). I was worried about figuring out how this little guy was going to go together, but it literally just plopped in place. Like it couldn't imagine being any other way! How do you like my stripe "design"? Another one of my wonderfully placed stripes (attempt to make beautiful red hand-dyed NOT RUN OUT!!) I have to say, I just keep getting better at this striping thing. It makes me want to cry a little...I'm that good, not to mention prepared! I think being prepared is always the key. Don't ever just go down to your stash and say, believe how many yards it says your project will take...bring a striping friend just in case. Definitely DO NOT go down to your stash in a panic and try to find a companion yarn to magically insert a stripe just any old prepared, like the boy scouts.
I just had to make the Yarn Harlot's adorable baby booties.....
I actually ended up with three of these adorable little three different sizes to boot! These are the closest matching two. That always happens to me..the first one always turns out monstrous and the other two more closely resemble something that wouldn't be put on a giant baby. This happens when I knit socks as well, but I just tell everyone one will be bigger than the other, and deal with it. Cause I ain't knitting three socks! It is a strange phenomenon I must say, and I haven't really encountered anyone else with this problem. If you have this problem, please let me know I am not alone in the foot wear knitting world! Thankfully, these little guys have ties!
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