Thursday, October 27, 2011


Oktoberfest, my absolute favorite time of the year, came and went without a hitch this year....well, for the most part.

We start off with several work days and this year we decided to make the balls for the berox bigger..(I've been waiting all day to type that!) I mean, who doesn't want bigger balls, but I digress...  Anyway, everybody is happier in this state of bigger balls because bigger balls means more meat and more satisfied costumers. 

There were a few unforeseen problems, we'll start with the obvious..

1. Bigger balls use less dough.
2. Less dough usage means more dough leftover.
3. More leftover dough means making more cinammen rolls...and finally
4. Bigger balls means less berox. 


We didn't plan on that...but what we did plan on was that there were two really big weddings going on in town and a free engagement dance at the local American Legion.  We'll be fine.  We weren't.  We sold out of those babies in a hour flat.  We had to start selling the hot berox for the food line for the people that buy them by the dozen (usually frozen), and even then we were worried about making it to our 7:30 deadline.  I left early from the stress of it (actually, I'm pregnant, and I couldn't stand on my feet anymore), but everyone seemed happy and got their berox fix.

My Aunt Emmy happily making her balls! (Seriously, it never gets old!) These balls are actually for Galuskies (cabbage idea how to spell the German name).
Happy October (the best month in the whole calander!)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Baby Surprise is here! first baby surprise jacket!!

Surprisingly easy to knit, (pun intended!).  I was worried about figuring out how this little guy was going to go together, but it literally just plopped in place.  Like it couldn't imagine being any other way!  How do you like my stripe "design"?  Another one of my wonderfully placed stripes (attempt to make beautiful red hand-dyed NOT RUN OUT!!)  I have to say, I just keep getting better at this striping thing.  It makes me want to cry a little...I'm that good, not to mention prepared!  I think being prepared is always the key.  Don't ever just go down to your stash and say, believe how many yards it says your project will take...bring a striping friend just in case.  Definitely DO NOT go down to your stash in a panic and try to find a companion yarn to magically insert a stripe just any old prepared, like the boy scouts.

I just had to make the Yarn Harlot's adorable baby booties.....

I actually ended up with three of these adorable little three different sizes to boot!  These are the closest matching two.  That always happens to me..the first one always turns out monstrous and the other two more closely resemble something that wouldn't be put on a giant baby.  This happens when I knit socks as well, but I just tell everyone one will be bigger than the other, and deal with it.  Cause I ain't knitting three socks!  It is a strange phenomenon I must say, and I haven't really encountered anyone else with this problem.  If you have this problem, please let me know I am not alone in the foot wear knitting world!  Thankfully, these little guys have ties!

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's about scarfing time!

IT'S ABOUT SCARF TIME!!!  Sorry...I didn't mean to yell at you I just got a little excited!  I love scarf weather.  There is just something about the crisp autumn air the puts a spring in your step.  The crisp apples, the different colors all around....I just get excited!  After the heat of this summer, it is nice to cool down and throw a scarf on.  I made this cute scarflette last Christmas for my sis.  She hates putting things around/over her head because it creates so much static..(I think it's awesome watching her walk around like she's plugged into a light socket.  Sometimes I don't even tell her that her hair looks like it's trying to reach Pluto...why would I?  It's just so darn funny.)  So this was a perfect solution, I just added a button and off she goes.  I am kind of sad to see the other worldly hair style go bye bye..but...

I love bulky wool.  I don't hardly ever knit with it because I couldn't actually wear it on my skinniest day.  It's great as and accessory, but not great if you don't want to look like the Stay Fresh Marshmallow Man. 

My favorite green scarf will be back in the rotation again this year.  It has felted  into a different version of itself.  It's still my favorite though and extra soft but the alpaca has a tendency to spring off in tiny tufts and attach to my eyeballs.  The pain we go through for our knitting...if it only knew....